יום חמישי, 6 באוגוסט 2009

psychic cats or just normal cats ?

psychic cats project - true or myth?

I hear stories about psychic cats a great deal, but many of these psychic powers merely demonstrate the owner's ignorance of the cat.
For instance, cats have a tremendous ability to tell time internally. Actually, all animals do, but humans have somewhat taken the easy road with clocks. I'm sure everyone has a friend who's cat wakes them up exacctly at, say, 6:30 every morning to be fed. When motivated, cats can demonstrate incredible timing (down to the minute), so "cat's that know when you're coming home" aren't necessarily psychic.
Cats also have highly evolved senses. Their sense of smell is probably a 1000 times greater than ours, and their hearing perhaps 1000 times as well. Cats have been shown to be able to discriminate between sounds that only differ slightly, so again, it's quite possible the cat knows when you're coming home by hearing your car a quarter mile away.
Some people say cats have ESP because they can detect our mood. Since humans rely on language so heavily, we miss many cues that make up a big part of cat communication. I'm reminded of the circus horse that could answer any math problem, giving the answer by tapping the ground the correct number of times. For years scientists could not understand how this could be. Finally, using movie cameras, they determined that the trainer would unknowingly relax slightly when the tapping horse reached the correct number. No one noticed this but the horse, who was rewarded for "figuring out" the answer to the math problem. When we determine psychic powers for cats, we need to base it on what THEY shouldn't be able to do, not what we can't.
Two areas you might want to look into are earthquake prediction and Psi-trailing. There are a number of theories on how cats seem to be able to predict earthquakes -- chenges in the magnetic field, small shifts in the ground, etc. Psi-trailing though, is not so easily explained. Cats have been shown to return great distances to their homes, even when dropped off in areas they have never visited. Some scientists believe that they carry the same directional abilities of carrier pigeons. Pigeons abilities have to do with the earth's magnetic field, and both pigeons and cats show no special ability to return when strapped with magnets. However, there is no explanation how cats lost in moving seem to be able to find their owners in a NEW home. You might look into that area for your show.
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