Tarot cards being evil: When I asked some people which were the best tarot cards to buy they said "The Aquarian deck is pretty good but avoid the Crawley deck at all costs". I asked them why and they said that they had heard that people who play with that deck get possessed or go insane because Crawley thought he was 666. However, I have talked to other people who said that they had success with the Crawley cards and didn't have any wierd experiences with them.
I then went to a Magick shop and bought the Aquarian deck and a book which explained how to read the cards. Then a friend in high school convinced me to go along with her to see David Wilkerson with her (a Christian) and he was against Tarot cards and pretty much everything else too.
After seeing David Wilkerson I had a nightmare about the cards so I threw them and the book away in the dumpster bin. I then went and visited with some neighbors for a few minutes in the apartment where I was living with a roommate. Upon entering my apt. I saw that the book and cards were back on the coffee table. This really freaked me out because I didn't know how the F they got there. However there was a reasonable explanation. My roommate (who I didn't know was home) said she saw me throwing them away and so she went out and rescued them from the dumpster.
She convinced me that the cards weren't evil and that I just had freaked out because of the Christians. She wouldn't give them back to me for free so I bought her a six pack and she gave me my cards and book back.
Then nothing happened with the cards for about 5 years until I got another roommate who thought they were cool and asked me to learn how to read them so I could do a reading for her. They were very easy to learn and I tried both methods and decided I liked using the 'Tree of Life' method the best.
I practiced reading the cards on her and also on her sister and their friends. I had pretty good success with them and people confirmed what I was saying was valid, and everyone had fun and things were going along well until my roommate brought home a girlfriend one day.
The cards seemed to be telling me that this woman had come from a dysfunctional family which centered upon abuse from an alchoholic father. When, I asked her if she and her mother had been abused and abandoned by a dad with a drinking problem she went ballistic! It turned out to be very true and she had told my roommate about her father and she thought my roommate had told me and that's how I knew about him. My roommate denied this and tried to calm the hysterical woman down who finally left in a huff but not without saying "Well if you did see that in the cards then you are a freak and what you are doing is evil!" My roommate winked at me and said "I have to walk her to the car...wait I'll be right back!"
When she came back she laughed and said "I can't believe that happened...that was so funny! I want to invite more people over so you can do it on them."
I said "I don't know about that, I don't want to upset anyone...look at how upset your friend got about her father."
My roommate said "Oh don't mind her she is always like that, she is kind of a bitch but I still like hanging around with her."
I haven't done tarot cards since then but I have learned that they are only a tool and you can read/hear/sense things about the past, present and future in many things. I am not sure what is behind it, some of it I believe is just sensing the energy but sometimes it goes deeper than that and I believe others are helping me. I don't think it's evil, I think it's just another human ability and it should be encouraged and developed.
I then went to a Magick shop and bought the Aquarian deck and a book which explained how to read the cards. Then a friend in high school convinced me to go along with her to see David Wilkerson with her (a Christian) and he was against Tarot cards and pretty much everything else too.
After seeing David Wilkerson I had a nightmare about the cards so I threw them and the book away in the dumpster bin. I then went and visited with some neighbors for a few minutes in the apartment where I was living with a roommate. Upon entering my apt. I saw that the book and cards were back on the coffee table. This really freaked me out because I didn't know how the F they got there. However there was a reasonable explanation. My roommate (who I didn't know was home) said she saw me throwing them away and so she went out and rescued them from the dumpster.
She convinced me that the cards weren't evil and that I just had freaked out because of the Christians. She wouldn't give them back to me for free so I bought her a six pack and she gave me my cards and book back.
Then nothing happened with the cards for about 5 years until I got another roommate who thought they were cool and asked me to learn how to read them so I could do a reading for her. They were very easy to learn and I tried both methods and decided I liked using the 'Tree of Life' method the best.
I practiced reading the cards on her and also on her sister and their friends. I had pretty good success with them and people confirmed what I was saying was valid, and everyone had fun and things were going along well until my roommate brought home a girlfriend one day.
The cards seemed to be telling me that this woman had come from a dysfunctional family which centered upon abuse from an alchoholic father. When, I asked her if she and her mother had been abused and abandoned by a dad with a drinking problem she went ballistic! It turned out to be very true and she had told my roommate about her father and she thought my roommate had told me and that's how I knew about him. My roommate denied this and tried to calm the hysterical woman down who finally left in a huff but not without saying "Well if you did see that in the cards then you are a freak and what you are doing is evil!" My roommate winked at me and said "I have to walk her to the car...wait I'll be right back!"
When she came back she laughed and said "I can't believe that happened...that was so funny! I want to invite more people over so you can do it on them."
I said "I don't know about that, I don't want to upset anyone...look at how upset your friend got about her father."
My roommate said "Oh don't mind her she is always like that, she is kind of a bitch but I still like hanging around with her."
I haven't done tarot cards since then but I have learned that they are only a tool and you can read/hear/sense things about the past, present and future in many things. I am not sure what is behind it, some of it I believe is just sensing the energy but sometimes it goes deeper than that and I believe others are helping me. I don't think it's evil, I think it's just another human ability and it should be encouraged and developed.
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